Another Step Over The Wall - FelS Solidarity Party

Migration is one of the most significant political movements of our time. Like no other movement, it challenges national and societal borders in practice. Therefor, brutal means such as state and police repression as well as general racism, are applied to repress and prevent migration - and hence the right for free movement and societal participation. Resistance against this repression and racism causes financial costs for lawyers, accommodation, and day-to-day livelihood. Come and celebrate with us Another Crack in the Wall and support us to cover the expenses.
20:00 Information event about the initiative "Education No Limitation"
Education is a fundamental human right which every person regardless of her/his social status - citizens, non citizens, refugees, everyone! - is entitled to. But in Germany, refugees are not allowed to study or to learn. That is why Education No Limitation (ENL) denounces this injustice, this discrimination, by fighting for the right of refugees to get access to education. We will present at this evening our group, explain our procedure of work and our goals. Come and support together - we can win! Just spread the message.
+ Food from Cameroon
22:00 Music by
JAN ICKX (Funk/Soul Classics)
DJ ALEXY ZAZAR (African Music/Reggae/Techno)
THE TROPIKAL CAMEL (Jerusalem/Berlin)
6ZM (electronica fusion of ambient tonalities, tech rhythms, dub frequencies and crunchy trance sonorities)
(The location is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible.)
Migration ist eine der bedeutensten Bewegungen unserer Zeit, die ganz praktisch Grenzen in Frage stellt. Mit Abschottungsmaßnamen an den EU-Außengrenzen und Entrechtung durch rassistische Sondergesetzen im Landesinneren versucht der deutsche Staat Migration und damit die Anspruchnahme des Rechts auf Bewegungsfreiheit und Teilhabe an Gesellschaft, zu bekämpfen - gestützt durch gesellschaftlichen Alltagsrassismus. Der Widerstand dagegen verursacht finanzielle Kosten für Anwält_innen, Unterkünfte und den alltäglichen Lebensunterhalt. Feiert mit uns Antother Step over the Wall und helft uns ganz nebenbei die Kosten wieder reinzuholen.
20:00 Info-Veranstaltung zur Initiative "Education No Limitation" (Mehr Infos siehe oben. Die Veranstaltung wird auf Englisch stattfinden.)
Essen aus Kamerun
22:00 Musik von
JAN ICKX (Funk/Soul Classics)
DJ ALEXY ZAZAR (African Music/Reggae/Techno)
THE TROPIKAL CAMEL (Jerusalem/Berlin)
6ZM (electronica fusion of ambient tonalities, tech rhythms, dub frequencies and crunchy trance sonorities)
(Der Veranstaltungsort ist leider nicht rollstuhlgerecht.)
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